How To Remove Saved-Critical State Entry of a VM

VM Failed to Start & want to Remove Saved-Critical State Entry of a VM

If the virtual disk storage is damaged or deleted for the particular Virtual Machine in Hyper-V.

It saves the VM in Saved-Critical State.

If you have a backup, then you can restore it from there, else you have to delete this entry.

Follow the steps to remove saved-critical entry from Hyper-V Manager.

  • Hyper-VDelete Saved-Critical Entry from Hyper-V Manager

    Hyper-V Saved-Critical State | Delete Saved-Critical VM

    Hyper-V Saved-Critical VM Unable to Connect Configuration Storage Friends, if you see the error Hyper-V Saved-Critical state on your Hyper-V manager. Ensure that something went wrong with the Virtual Machine configuration or Storage. Usually a Virtual Machine in Hyper-V enters this state due to a storage issue. In Simple words, you can try to understand it in a way that,…

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